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What is Body Talk

Body Talk System was developed in the 1990s by John Veltheim, chiropractor, acupuncturist, philosopher, and  Reiki Master.

The central concept of Body Talk is that our body has the innate wisdom to heal itself when it's in balance. Body Talk supports the ability of the human body to heal itself. Body Talk seeks to synchronize and balance the client's body and mind and initiates the healing process.

During the session, the "whole person" would be addressed. Meaning physical issues would be assessed and emotional, energetic, environmental aspects, belief systems, and hurtful memories.

The Body Talk practitioner will NOT diagnose or treat the symptoms but will go deep to reveal the actual underlying cause of the disease. Underlying every pain is a story.

The ancient wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, holistic energy therapies, the holographic model of the Universe, and principles of Quantum physics - are all blended in the Body Talk approach to healing.

For more information, please visit. 



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What to expect in a session

The session begins with discussing your health and any personal issues that you may wish to address.

Then you will relax on the treatment table while the practitioner "talks" to your body, basically asking your body what communication circuits within it have been compromised and what unprocessed events or emotions have thrown you out of balance. A practitioner will use neuromuscular feedback to create communication with your body, which will feel like a gentle twist on your wrist.  

Then a formula will be created to address what needs to be done to bring the body back into balance.

The last part of the session - is tapping the formula out. It is the ancient technique to integrate the necessary changes so that your body can initiate the healing process. 

Body Talk sessions are NON-invasive and cannot cause any harm. Results may vary from person to person. For some, a shift may happen immediately: for others, it may take a few sessions.

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